What is the expected time commitment?
We ask you to give a minimum of 60 minutes of your time once a month to your Sponsee as time invested will ensure a more successful relationship. However, this will vary from relationship to relationship so maybe more.
How long does the Sponsoring relationship last?
The relationship will last for as long as both parties feel it is of value so will vary but it would be expected to be at least 12 months.
How will I be matched with a Sponsee?
Using Guider, our online Sponsorship platform, you will need to create a Sponsor profile giving an overview of your experience and interests. Sponsees will then also use the platform to see a selection of the most suitable Sponsors who will all be within their own SL. Sponsees can also choose whether to be matched by Business Unit (where relevant) but this is optional. They can also choose to be matched to a further granular level – by industry/sector where that is useful; again that is optional.
How is the ‘intro session’ different from a regular Sponsoring session?
The goal of the intro (or ‘chemistry’) session is to have an opportunity to meet your potential Sponsee to see if you ‘click’ and understand if what you can offer in terms of e.g. advocacy, networking opportunities etc are a relevant match with their goals and ambitions. Use this intro session to find out what they want to gain from Sponsorship, as well as exploring some mutual expectations for the relationship.
What do I do if I don’t think I’m a good match for my Sponsee?
There isn’t always a perfect match so the focus is on making the best one realistically possible. Sponsoring is about. However, it’s also about connection, and if you believe that you are not the best match for the Sponsee, you can just decline the relationship within Guider before an intro session if you already think it’s unlikely to work OR have the intro session to explore further then decline after the session.
Where and how should I meet my Sponsee?
You are able to choose your preferred communication methods in Guider, such as MS Teams, Zoom or in the office (where possible). (You can select two). In your chemistry ‘intro’ session you can also discuss which communication method works best for you and your Sponsee, It is however strongly recommended to have a visual vs an audio meeting.
What should we discuss in the sessions?
Your Sponsee should have an idea of what they’re looking to gain from the relationship. There are resources to support both parties in structuring the sessions and e.g. explain the differences in the Sponsorship relationship (compared to a mentoring or coaching relationship). You can work together to help them formulate some clear, measurable career goals which will form the main focus for most discussions. Your experience, network and advocacy will underpin the main reasons for the relationship.